(hey, sis, thanks for remembering Pie Day and baking the date right into your pie.)
It's the day we've been waiting for ALL YEAR LONG: National Pie Day! What could bring more smiles around the table in the deep murk of midwinter, than a pie made with the natural bounty of our Sacramento Valley home? Maybe you have even stashed away some of last summer's harvest in the freezer, to make a peach-blueberry or apricot-ginger confection. Or perhaps Pie Day has caught you by surprise, again, and - well - there is so much that needs to be done. Then the thing to do is to get yourself a beautiful pie from one of the local pie purveyors. Any way you slice it, it's THE DAY for pie.
To paraphrase one of my dad's favorite expressions, you should only eat pie if you're alone, or with somebody.
“When you die, if you get a choice between going to regular heaven or pie heaven, choose pie heaven. It might be a trick, but if it's not, mmmmmmmm, boy.” So said Jack Handy.
Next-best things to eating pie:
- Ask for suggestions about the next one you'll make.
- Go to the Wayne Thiebaud Works on Paper exhibit at the Sac State Library Gallery, 10 to 5 Tuesday through Saturday, through March 6, to look at his drawings and prints of pie, other confections, and urban landscapes.
- Ask a baker friend or relative to teach you how to make pie from scratch.
- Teach your child the ABCs using pie fillings or names (I challenge you with H through J and U through Z).
- Make up a pie anthem (there is a very good one out there for cheese; why not pie?) and send it to SacPie; we'll post the best one!
- Start planning for next year's Annual Pie Party - save the date!
Friends, however you plan to enjoy your Pie Day, I hope you will share it with SacPie. Stay tuned for our Pie Party 2010 pics and pies.
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